Could spider-man really stop a train Spider-man is a pretty useful guy to just have hanging around as the ever vigilant protector of his city He fights crime with synthesized silken super-strength He can stop supervillains and their henchmen sure, but can he stop a train? Today's thought experiment comes to us from the much loved and many memes spider-man 2 in it Peter Parker stops a train full of people with nothing more than multiple strands of spider silk and one heck of a grip spider silk is Spectacularly strong in real life and you've been asking me to look into this scene for years.
So get out your Spidey calculators It's finally time for some spider mass hit first if we are taking a purely theoretical approach here We need to define what stopping a train really means Right on time. Ooh, that's the into the spider versus Oscar. Oh If you're gonna be stopping a train we're gonna be doing physical work on that train Which can also be considered a change in kinetic energy and so we're gonna have to find some kind of way to transfer the energy of the trains motion into something else our Web because the Train is gonna be coming to a complete stop at the end of our analysis This term is going to go away and fall to zero and so what we are left with is this Can the spider silk or more organically?
Enhanced a mutated spider silk do enough work on the Train absorb enough energy such that the work Equals the full kinetic energy of a runaway train only using as many web lines as we see in the movie All right so how much kinetic energy does the train in spider-man two have Well if Spidey is swinging around New York City then each of those train cars is gonna weigh a hefty thirty eight Thousand kilograms and in the movie I counted six of them Also Doc Ock before he jumps off makes the Train go 80 miles an hour or 35 meters per second. Whoa Jeez, what a gallery of rogues. Am I right? Okay Now we don't know exactly how many people Octavius is forcing Peter Parker to save in this scene but I'm gonna assume that all the cars are in near capacity and everyone inside has an average human mass of 62 kilograms this adds a full 62 metric tons of people meet for spider-man to save wait.
Wait Wow Putting all these values together we can calculate just how much energy Peter's spider silk has to Tobey acquire Do the math and you get a kinetic energy value for our runaway train of a hundred and eighty seven million Joules now, this is obviously quite a lot It's within an order of magnitude of the kinetic energy a space shuttle landing at 380 km/h Has oh no a viscous ecto symbiotic neural active out of lagoon mutual and stop Now that we know how much energy we have to absorb we need to look very closely at spider-man's webbing I'm taking pictures for the beauty the amount of energy a material can absorb while deforming like stretching is called that materials toughness a Common way to visualize the toughness of different materials in material sciences with a so called stress versus strain curve Stress is how much force per unit area some material is subjected to and strain is how much the material is deforming?
Let's try the toughest biological material ever tested silk from Darwin's bark spider Hang on buddy This silk of the bark spider here is 10 times tougher than Kevlar and remember when we plug this into our equation we want a value of 1 or less and that means we have enough web to stop our train and I get a value of 4 All right fine Maybe the movie was taking some statues of Liberty here using our same numbers How many strands of webbing would it take that look to be the correct size to stop our train doing all the same math? We did before and using the toughest spider silk available. I get 70, that's 35 web lines per hand Theoretically now we have enough toughness to stop the train in spider-man 2 because our equation that we set up earlier gives us 1 and everybody gets one This show and many others are built on nerdy analyses like these but I don't want to just give you some Numbers like there now Cannon and some voiceover and call it a day.
No, I want to actually learn this stuff with you So now I'm gonna show you just how much our assumptions can change our conclusions For example, if we want spider-man to catch a train But we don't want to have him shoot an absurd number of lines like 70 out of his hands All we have to do is simply initially assume that the webbing is not pencil with it is twice as wide and then our equation Pops out a 1 and you can get the observed number of lines shot from his hand with the requisite toughness However, if this is the case Then the amount of webbing he has to be holding on to is Absurdly large like holding on to scaffolding or we could just simply state that spider-man's Mutated organic silk has a toughness higher than anything ever Tested by humans pop this into the equation and we get a 1 and the observed number of web lines in spider-man 2 works However, this is higher than anything we know of and then doesn't really fit with material science You see when you do this kind of thing.
You have to balance fiction and reality assumptions and variables and come to an acceptable conclusion and when you do that and only when you do that Can you become something of a pop-culture scientist yourself? all day so could spider-man and his silk really stop a train like in spider-man 2 well theoretically Yes using the toughest spider silk that we know of he could use enough web lines such that they would have enough toughness to absorb all the kinetic energy of that runaway train however to do exactly what we see him do in spider-man 2 We'd really have to give old webhead the benefit of the doubt his web lines would have to be either much thicker than they look or much tougher than Anything that we know of if he did that then it would push this move into the spider verse of plausibility Otherwise it would be close but no cigar Because science and I still want those pics as a spider-man I Know we got a little bit meta with how these kinds of videos are made with assumptions and variables and etc .
So, let me just add a few more for you super nerds We are assuming in this episode a very very simple model that the Train is no longer accelerating when Peter Parker tries to stop it is just Coasting which isn't really accurate and we did not consider the extensibility of spider silk. It cannot stretch what looks like Miles in the movie even if spider silk stretched that far it would still put some deceleration on the passengers But I did check even if the spider silk stretches just a little bit within known values then the passengers would only pull, you know, 20 to 30 G's while hitting a steel box of death Thank you so much for watching Christopher If you want to suggest ideas for future episodes and keep up to date with everything I and because signs are doing please follow us Here at these handles. Also we are now halfway through the science of mortal Kombat three episodes are up as well as two episodes that are behind the scenes you're gonna want to check them out because things get crushy and bloody and icy and Watch it .
So get out your Spidey calculators It's finally time for some spider mass hit first if we are taking a purely theoretical approach here We need to define what stopping a train really means Right on time. Ooh, that's the into the spider versus Oscar. Oh If you're gonna be stopping a train we're gonna be doing physical work on that train Which can also be considered a change in kinetic energy and so we're gonna have to find some kind of way to transfer the energy of the trains motion into something else our Web because the Train is gonna be coming to a complete stop at the end of our analysis This term is going to go away and fall to zero and so what we are left with is this Can the spider silk or more organically?
Enhanced a mutated spider silk do enough work on the Train absorb enough energy such that the work Equals the full kinetic energy of a runaway train only using as many web lines as we see in the movie All right so how much kinetic energy does the train in spider-man two have Well if Spidey is swinging around New York City then each of those train cars is gonna weigh a hefty thirty eight Thousand kilograms and in the movie I counted six of them Also Doc Ock before he jumps off makes the Train go 80 miles an hour or 35 meters per second. Whoa Jeez, what a gallery of rogues. Am I right? Okay Now we don't know exactly how many people Octavius is forcing Peter Parker to save in this scene but I'm gonna assume that all the cars are in near capacity and everyone inside has an average human mass of 62 kilograms this adds a full 62 metric tons of people meet for spider-man to save wait.
Wait Wow Putting all these values together we can calculate just how much energy Peter's spider silk has to Tobey acquire Do the math and you get a kinetic energy value for our runaway train of a hundred and eighty seven million Joules now, this is obviously quite a lot It's within an order of magnitude of the kinetic energy a space shuttle landing at 380 km/h Has oh no a viscous ecto symbiotic neural active out of lagoon mutual and stop Now that we know how much energy we have to absorb we need to look very closely at spider-man's webbing I'm taking pictures for the beauty the amount of energy a material can absorb while deforming like stretching is called that materials toughness a Common way to visualize the toughness of different materials in material sciences with a so called stress versus strain curve Stress is how much force per unit area some material is subjected to and strain is how much the material is deforming?
Let's try the toughest biological material ever tested silk from Darwin's bark spider Hang on buddy This silk of the bark spider here is 10 times tougher than Kevlar and remember when we plug this into our equation we want a value of 1 or less and that means we have enough web to stop our train and I get a value of 4 All right fine Maybe the movie was taking some statues of Liberty here using our same numbers How many strands of webbing would it take that look to be the correct size to stop our train doing all the same math? We did before and using the toughest spider silk available. I get 70, that's 35 web lines per hand Theoretically now we have enough toughness to stop the train in spider-man 2 because our equation that we set up earlier gives us 1 and everybody gets one This show and many others are built on nerdy analyses like these but I don't want to just give you some Numbers like there now Cannon and some voiceover and call it a day.
No, I want to actually learn this stuff with you So now I'm gonna show you just how much our assumptions can change our conclusions For example, if we want spider-man to catch a train But we don't want to have him shoot an absurd number of lines like 70 out of his hands All we have to do is simply initially assume that the webbing is not pencil with it is twice as wide and then our equation Pops out a 1 and you can get the observed number of lines shot from his hand with the requisite toughness However, if this is the case Then the amount of webbing he has to be holding on to is Absurdly large like holding on to scaffolding or we could just simply state that spider-man's Mutated organic silk has a toughness higher than anything ever Tested by humans pop this into the equation and we get a 1 and the observed number of web lines in spider-man 2 works However, this is higher than anything we know of and then doesn't really fit with material science You see when you do this kind of thing.
You have to balance fiction and reality assumptions and variables and come to an acceptable conclusion and when you do that and only when you do that Can you become something of a pop-culture scientist yourself? all day so could spider-man and his silk really stop a train like in spider-man 2 well theoretically Yes using the toughest spider silk that we know of he could use enough web lines such that they would have enough toughness to absorb all the kinetic energy of that runaway train however to do exactly what we see him do in spider-man 2 We'd really have to give old webhead the benefit of the doubt his web lines would have to be either much thicker than they look or much tougher than Anything that we know of if he did that then it would push this move into the spider verse of plausibility Otherwise it would be close but no cigar Because science and I still want those pics as a spider-man I Know we got a little bit meta with how these kinds of videos are made with assumptions and variables and etc .
So, let me just add a few more for you super nerds We are assuming in this episode a very very simple model that the Train is no longer accelerating when Peter Parker tries to stop it is just Coasting which isn't really accurate and we did not consider the extensibility of spider silk. It cannot stretch what looks like Miles in the movie even if spider silk stretched that far it would still put some deceleration on the passengers But I did check even if the spider silk stretches just a little bit within known values then the passengers would only pull, you know, 20 to 30 G's while hitting a steel box of death Thank you so much for watching Christopher If you want to suggest ideas for future episodes and keep up to date with everything I and because signs are doing please follow us Here at these handles. Also we are now halfway through the science of mortal Kombat three episodes are up as well as two episodes that are behind the scenes you're gonna want to check them out because things get crushy and bloody and icy and Watch it .
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