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Deadpool 3 Teaser Ryan Reynolds Video Breakdown - Marvel Phase 4 Easter Eggs

Oh helloi know right Welcome back everyone it's charlie thisis going to be my new deadpool 3 video ryan reynolds just dropped a new teaserto celebrate the anniversary of the leak of the original deadpool test footagefrom way back in comic con 2014 just because we had comic con this pastweek so there's a whole bunch of easter eggs he was talking about deadpool 3again recently so we'll break it all downif you're new to the channel be sure to subscribe to get all the videos we'll doa new amazon giveaway all you have to do to enteris be a subscriber and let me know what you want them to do with deadpool 3at marvel studios when he posted this he also dropped a funny joke about whydeadpool 3 is taking so long because he'sso busy trying to solve the mystery of the leak even thoughit's not really that big of a mystery,

If you don't watch a lot of true crimetelevision it's just that he dropped this deadpool teaser that's donein the parody style of unsolved mysteries with a similar eerie thememusic if you're not familiar with that tv showunsolved mysteries is a real tv show it's been around for foreverthe title is self-explanatory it's all about mysteries that have not beensolved yet you may remember last year right afteravengers end game as we were heading into comic con the big marvel phase 4panel ryan reynolds dropped this to celebrate and to hype updeadpool inside the mcu like where was the leak where did itcome from who did this he even made a joke about marvel phase 5 because that'sbasically the time frame we're talking about when they would release deadpool 3just based on all the movies they've already scheduled through marvel phase4. most of you probably remember theoriginal test footage league but the wholejoke here in the fact that it's a quote unquote unsolved mystery is actually ryan reynolds himself is the person that leaked the footagewhen the footage leaked initially there were a lot of guesses that people had about who could have done that because the whole thing is on the mainstream x-men films they were busy hyping up days of future past and then x-men apocalypse withbrian singer obviously.

Things did not go down the way that fox expected them to so ryan reynolds himselfleaked the test footage it blew up the internet people wentcrazy they've been screaming for a deadpool movie for so long pretty much every comic-con for a couple years before that point people have been asking where is the deadpool movie ever since ryan reynolds had playeddeadpool during wolverine origins even though people weren't happy with thatversion even ryan reynolds behind the scenes wasvery upset about what they were doing in fun fact that's not actually ryanreynolds filming those scenes at the end of the movie fightingwolverine with his mouth sewn shut that's actually a stunt double that wasscott adkins i know because most people remember him from his batman auditionsbecause we almost had scott atkins batmanbut he filmed all those martial arts fight scenes and then they just usepost-production to make it look like ryan reynolds face so ryan reynoldsdidn't even find out about these scenes till after they had finished himand just said what the hell is going on with this cut to several years later hewas finally able to clean up the timelines in the deadpool 2post-credits scene and get a little bit of a hugh jackman cameo even thoughtechnically.

 I think or the marvel cinematic universe ratheri think it would be explosive and amazing and what a sandboxto play in if deadpool continued to get to just dohis own thing and be his own thing uh also just like infinite possibilityand you know i mean we have you i write it i write it with two otherguys rhett reese and paul wernick who aregeniuses and amazing in you know in so many ways andand we just have so much fun we actually write it all right in here in this roomum where i'm sitting and um and we just have the best time doing it together sowe hope that we're going to there's a lot more toa lot more story to tell so we hope we get to do that there's a couple jokesthat you told me about i won't say now because i don't want to ruin it's in thethird one but it didn't make it to the second one butit was really a really funny thing that was going on iwas like oh they'll never let you do that yeah youcould fill a gymnasium with some of the jokes that got cut out of deadpool oneand two that would get us all arrested or turnedinto some sort of disney liquid so as you can tell fromwhat ryan reynolds is saying like everybody is really excited about doingdeadpool.

 3. marvel is excited about it kevin feigeis excited about it even the disney ceo is excited about deadpool the reason whyyou just haven't heard about them actually putting it on the schedule whythere's no marvel phase 4 deadpool 3 movieis because way before the fox deal was done they'd already mapped outall their marvel phase 4 movies so there weren't any actual open release datesfor them to do it until marvel phase 5 and because the viruspushed all the marvel phase 4 movies by a year we're now into likelate 2022 2023 and 2024 before they could even think about releasingdeadpool 3. so that's the simple reason why it'staking so long what'll probably happen is as we slowly start to see x-men popup in the mcu throughout marvel phase four and then t's new x-men stuffthen we'll start seeing them talk more about deadpool 3but just because it's going to take him a couple years to get to the actualmovie doesn't mean that they'll wait that long to introduce deadpool to themcu he can still always cross over with someother person's movie in some funny post-credit scene or a funny cameo scenebut like ryan reynolds and a lot of the other people the writers have said typically.

When you would think about deadpool in somebody else's mcu movie which are typically pg-13 he wouldn't be quite as foul-mouthed orquite as hardcore more like the once upon a deadpoolversion of deadpool just making way more disney way more avengers way more spider-man jokes you have to imagine now that he's in themcu they have free reign for him to referenceanything that's ever happened in an mcu movie n part of the fun of the character is that he doesn't always totally makesense like the way he made fun of both of the different eras of x-menfilms during the first deadpool film are you talking about mcavoy or stuartthese timelines are so confusing he can totally do that for marvel nowand for everyone that's been clamoring for a deadpool kills the marvel universemovie i feel like it would be a slam dunkopportunity for them to at least joke about deadpool killing the foxmarvel universe in deadpool .

3 even if that's not the actual movie itselfjust have them kill off all the characters that they're going to recastfor the mcu and they just treat it like it's in analternate universe by just assuming they can doanything that they want and deadpool 3 is often its own little bubble ofcontinuity what do you want them to do for thestory of deadpool 3 there's a bunch of stuff left over fromcomic-con that i haven't made videos for yet that i'll try to get toumbrella academy season 2 is also premiering on netflixtomorrow so i'll try to do some videos for that as well everyone click here forthe umbrella academy season 2 episode 1 opening scene it feels likeit's right out of an x-men movie and click here for that brand new marvelhellstrom trailer in doctor strange 2 easter eggsthank you so much for watching everyone stay safe i'll see you guys tonight! 


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